
Benefits of Pets in Our Life.

The Most Important 10 Benefits in Our day to day life with PETS

While the Primary Benefits to animals are obvious-to place them in Loving Homes and keep them from being Destroyed-the Benefits to elderly Persons are Ten-Fold (Versus Non-Pet Owners).

1) Pets Lower Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate.
2) 21% Fewer Visits to the Doctor.
3) Less Depression.
4) Easier to make Friends (Enhanced Social Opportunities.
5) Seniors become MORE ACTIVE.
7) Pets ease loss of  a Loved One.
8) Pets Fight LONELINESS.
9) Seniors take batter CARE of Themselves.
10) Sense of Security.

In 1980, A Clinical Research Project at Brooklyn College, New York, studied Heart-Disease Patients after their discharge from the Hospital. Dr. Erika Friedmann, Ph.D.. Professor of Health and Nutrition Science at  the College, tracked each survivor, studying their medical histories, lifestyles,families,relationships-every documentable detail. Co-researcher Dr. Aaron Katcher, M.D., reported.

"The Presence of a PET was the Strongest Social Predictors of Survival. Not just for Lonely or Depressed People, but everyone-independent of marital status and access to Social Support from Human Beings."