
"cutting off" Muslim students from coming U.S

American political commentator and analyst Bob Beckel has called for a ban on allowing Muslim students to enter the country for some time.

Beckel spoke on the Tuesday edition of "The Five", which he co-hosts with Megyn Kelly, on the backdrop of Boston bombings. He accused the media of diverting from the main issue. The suspects of the bombings were Muslims.

The Fox News analyst favoured a restricted visa policy for students.

Currently there were around 75,000 Muslim students on visas. Students who come to U.S are "brain-washed". One of the prime accused of the 9/11 attacks was on student visa. He pointed out that he is not suggesting of sending the students who were already studying there.

The 64-year-old's suggestion has aroused strong and adverse reactions. He has clarified that the suggestion made by him was "unfair". (ANI)